An island somewhere in the South Pacific
Fun facts about non-mystical manatees
Manatees are marine mammals
Since manatees are mammals they cannot breathe underwater
Manatees usually come up for air every 3-4 minutes but have been known to hold their breath for up to 20 minutes
With a single breath manatees can replace 90% of the air in their lungs – humans, by comparison replace just 10%
Manatees are gentle, nonaggressive animals and spend most of their time alone
Manatees are also known as sea cows
A manatee is related to the elephant
On average manatees weigh between 800-1,300 pounds
Adult manatees can grow to be 9ft-13ft long
Manatees have 2,000 thick,whisker-like hairs called vibrissae on their faces,
and 3,000 on their bodies
Manatees live to be between 40-60 years old
Manatees are herbivores meaning they only eat plants
Manatees eat turtle grass, different types of algae, water hyacinth and other types of plants in the water
Manatees eat around 100 pounds of food every day
Manatees have 2 paddle-like flippers one on each side of their body and a large flat tail
Their flippers help them steer when they are swimming and also help them while eating
Manatees communicate with other manatees by making chirping, whistling and squeaking sounds
Manatees are typically found in shallow coastal areas and rivers
Manatees live in the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, Amazon Basin and West Africa
Manatees are slow swimmers -they usually swim between 3-5 mph
Manatees can swim up to 20 mph for very short distances
Manatees travel between 40-50 miles every day